OC'ing 3500 winchester - msi neo2
Ok im starting to have trouble with this whole thing ;( ... Im running right now with this setup 11x215@2.3mhz... I can do windows just fine its nice but I Cant play CS. It always kicks me out now. Sometimes it will freeze. The voltage says 1.408 on cpuid. Will I need more v than that? Maybe its the memory voltage? Someone help I figured this shouldnt be very unstable seein what everyone else is at.. HTT is 4x also. IVe been trying all night but I Cant find anything stable myabe its just me?? Also I have pc4000 ddr500 adata viesta ram.. (2x512mb) Im having trouble working the vcore I put it up but cpuid says its still @ 1.4
Hey I didnt think of that thanks allot man!! I might just try in 512 stick as well see if I can get it stable with just one once.. but imma try that memtest thanks again
Also the cpu voltage under volts by 0.10v with winchester chips so set the cpu vid to max (I think its 1.55v) & then bump the "cpu voltage" to 10% to begin with. Also don't forget the to set the AGP Frequency to 67 otherwise the pci lock doesn't work. You may find that you have to whack the ram voltage up to the max as well, as very few of the Adata sticks have TCCD chips on them, they're mainly Hynix. It's the 4500 & 4800 that had TCCD for definite.
Finally if you running sata hard disks they have to plugged into ports 3 or 4 otherwise these aren't locked on either ports 1 & 2.
My A64 can go to over 2.75GHz with over 300MHz memory with very loose 3-5-5-8 2T timings, but as soon as I tighten things up, I have to reduce my overclock to get things stable.
Awesome info thanks allot. While im at work right now ill have to get on that stuff later Maybe ill have to try 3xHTT. For bios im not sure I didnt look into that its just want it came with right now. So 10% over 1.55v then right. I tried like 3% i thihnk it was and it didnt boot up I tried reseting it and still wouldnt boot I was scared it fried haha but I took it out and it booted up fine after. I did not change the AGP frequency also So ill have to do that
EDIT: http://www.bleedinedge.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8251
You are a very lucky man to be doing 2.75ghz
You know when I went back to the bios sometimes... things had changed on their own I didnt know if it was just me or not lol...
But anyways I went home and I tried Volting up the #@# and I Still couldnt get into a CS game without it crashing. I had the vcore 1.6 and ram at 2.8 and still nothing I was only at 2.3ghz too. 11x215 I believe it was Htt4x. Also I tried 3xhtt that didnt do anything either lol. I set agp to 67 as well. From last Night I left my computer on the whole night running emule and a few other little things and it was fine but once I get into any games it freezes. Ive been mixing things up maybe its the ram? I might just try some other stuff see what I can do but my ram now eveyrone was saying good things about .
3-5-5-10 2T timings though, not too lucky , and thats really not 100% 24/7 stable either with 1.65V required ..
I got so frustrated with this winchester's memory controller that I'm now using an 11x multi for 2.65GHz (11x240). Chip behaves much better if I keep the memory frequency below DDR500 speeds. I can even use 2-3-3-6 timings at 240MHz, which is pretty good, runs at 1.42volts as well, so it's nice and cool at 36-38 degrees full load .. just waiting for 'San Diego 4000+ to hit the shelves'
Damn man you are lucky.. SO far im not having luck with this setup and I wish so far I had my 2500 barton back up lol. I havent seen any improvements except for starting up windows... Games and what not are seeming laggy and choppy. Right now im runnin 2.367 11x215 With 1.5v to the cpu and 2.8 to mem. Htt4x and timming is 2.5 3 3 10 1T cause it seems 2T wasnt stable.
Do you know what week code your Winchester is ? Most 3500+ winchesters will do 2.5-2.6GHz without much of a boost in voltage. I'm surprised that you have hit a wall at 2.35GHz. There must be something holding you back (my guess would be some aspect of the mainboard is not locking, like the PCI/AGP bus speed etc). Did you try some of the suggestions Jimborae recommended?
that last pic at the bottom left is how his ram is I have mine just in the 2 purple ones...
what ever.!!1 his amd 3500+ can handle 2.7 just fine..i had one for three mounths at 2.8 and it ran perferct..!!!