Mancunian SQUISHES 2K!

MancunianMancunian Manchester, UK
edited April 2005 in Milestones
I know you guys have been busy and didn't want to "jump the gun" but hey, I reached my 2K milestone a few days ago. Been waiting patiently for my "official" cert - I'm keeping 'em all so don't want to miss one ok?! :D


Incidently, once this current 600 pointer finishes (Sat afternoon) I should have broken the 3K one too with a bit of luck, although could finish JUST below it. Have to wait n see! :eek:


  • Shadow2018Shadow2018 Northwest Missouri
    edited April 2005
    Congrats, Great work! Fold on.
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Well... I've been keeping Prof busy with the SM24 Selection process. He'll be alone soon. He didn't forget you. We (almost) never forget our team mates.

    So.... Congrats on 2K!!!! :thumbsup:
  • MancunianMancunian Manchester, UK
    edited April 2005
    Thanks a lot Shadow and QCH. Appreciate your kind words and don't worry, Q, I know you and Prof have been busy with the SM24 thing, which is why I was talking tongue-in-cheek. I knew he'd be along as soon as time permitted and I know you don't forget people so no problem at all. Don't forget tho, I've SEEN those 2K certs and boy do I want one! But I'm a patient and understand guy so what more can I say?! :D:thumbsup:;D
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Congratulations, Mancunian :D

  • VolvoVolvo Eureka, Ca on the Pacific
    edited April 2005
    Hey Mancunian way to fold kid, way to fold :thumbsup:
    I h :fold: pe you get that 3k right away soon :D
    Just foldin along 24/7
  • edited April 2005
    Mancunian wrote:
    I've SEEN those 2K certs and boy do I want one! But I'm a patient and understand guy so what more can I say?! :D:thumbsup:;D
    um...given to me by a one profdlp, i pass it along to you... :D<br>
    <img src="; border="0" alt="" />

    not the same but i think its good!
  • SiggySiggy Sydney Australia
    edited April 2005
    Way to go Mancunian!

    I know how important these milestones are!!

    :thumbsup: way to go m8 :D

  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited April 2005
    Sorry I'm late to your party - you guys didn't drink up all the beer yet, did you? :D

    I justed posted a little info concerning the milestone delays we've had recently. I'm working on a system to improve the situation in the meantime.

    Great job, Mancunian, I see that diminion managed to rustle up a couple of cogs for ya. :vimp:

    See you at 3K! :thumbsup:

  • MancunianMancunian Manchester, UK
    edited April 2005
    Thanks a lot, guys. Means a lot and really appreciate your kind words. Seems my folding isn't going as quickly as I'd hoped, although the last couple are larger WUs of course - Two 600 pointers on the trot so not complaining but taking 4 days or so to complete. Just wish I could speed things up a bit but never mind, at least it's working with no other probs so just keeping things chugging along as quick as they'll go. :D

    Thanks for the unofficial cert Diminion. Nice one. I take it there's no 'official' 2K one then? Not a problem, that one's cool ... or rather hot. ;D

    And don't worry about being late, Prof. I know you've been a busy chappy with the SM24 or whatever number it was. I understand that. Hope to see you at 3K soon too but just having checked, I'm currently on 202nd frame out of 250 and due to end 01:15 Sunday morning. If I get the full 600 points as expected, that's going to give me a total of 2989 so sadly it ain't going to be THIS week but if nothing else I'll reach my 10 WU milestone - I know that don't count for a cert but I'll be smiling nevertheless! ;D

    Cheers guys. :thumbsup:
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited April 2005
    Mancunian wrote: folding isn't going as quickly as I'd hoped, although the last couple are larger WUs of course - Two 600 pointers on the trot so not complaining but taking 4 days or so to complete...
    Well, 1200 points in four days is not bad at all. That's 300 points a day, or over 2,000 points a week. You'll be taking home the 5,000 point BWA before you know it. :thumbsup:
  • MancunianMancunian Manchester, UK
    edited April 2005
    profdlp wrote:
    Well, 1200 points in four days is not bad at all. That's 300 points a day, or over 2,000 points a week. You'll be taking home the 5,000 point BWA before you know it. :thumbsup:

    Hi Prof. No, sadly I think you misunderstood what I said ... or meant. :confused:

    What I was saying is that I'm currently on 2389 points and CURRENTLY processing a 600 point WU which is due to end Sunday morning - the one I had before this was a 600 pointer but that TOOK me to that 2389. On Sunday morning I'll be on 2989 if things work out. So halve your figures above and we'll be about right. :D

    Depending on how many points the WU is worth on Sunday morning, will tell me how soon (or otherwise) it'll be before I hit the 3K geddit? :thumbsup:;D

    Or on second thoughts, I think you're talking about the one before that, aren't you? In that case it took about 4 days for the first 600 points then another 4 days or so for the current 600 points so let's be generous and say 1200 points in 8 or 9 days and we'll be about right. So you're not QUITE as wrong as I thought from first reading, are you? :rolleyes::D
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited April 2005
    Well, rats... :p

    You'll still be to 5,000 Points before you know it, though. :)
  • dragonV8dragonV8 not here much New
    edited April 2005
    Congrats on your second milestone Mancunian. :thumbsup:

    Way to F:fold:LD. :smokin:
  • MancunianMancunian Manchester, UK
    edited April 2005
    Thanks a lot, Dragon. Appreciate it mon ami.

    Hey Prof ... You're dead right and I can't WAIT to get to the 5K milestone. Even though each one I pass is personally pleasurable and exciting for me, that particular one is one I'm really looking forward to. If for no other reason than that BRILLIANT/AMAZING cup. It really is the bees knees, isn't it?! :D:thumbsup:

    And if you don't mind me asking (and this isn't a hint or anything honest guv :rolleyes: ) but I've seen the lovely 'official' certs (for want of a better word) that you give for 1K (that red background one) and the cup for 5K and the 50K cogs and 100K plaque but what happened to them for the others? I ask purely out of curiousity really. I know there's that lovely bird for the 'unofficial' 2K one (got a GREAT idea for the 3K one now come to think of that! :eek: ) but can't recall any others. Have they got waylaid by someone or just been stored in some dank, dark, isolated folder somewhere or were there never any like the ones I've just mentioned before I started folding? Just curious that's all. The FAQ certainly mentions official mentions for them but doesn't mention certs.

    You know if my creative side was better than merely appreciating good, clever artists, designers etc and allowed me to actually do something, I'd even offer to design and create some myself but sadly my only creative side other than APPRECIATING good art/artists is music but that doesn't really help either, does it? :rolleyes:

    Oh well never mind. At least it gave you an excuse to talk about rats, didn't it?! :D
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited April 2005
    Mancunian wrote:
    ...I've seen the lovely 'official' certs (for want of a better word) that you give for 1K (that red background one) and the cup for 5K and the 50K cogs and 100K plaque but what happened to them for the others?...
    Nothing happened to them, they were never there to begin with. :)

    The Notable Milestone idea keeps growing as it goes along. In the early days, WU's had a relatively low value - some of them weren't even worth a full point. :eek: Back then, 100 points was the mark of a good Folder and 1,000 points made you a bigshot. When the 5,000 point BWA began it was teh l337 prize.

    Up until about a year and a half ago, the BWA was the only special award we gave. Everyone else got a :fold: for each 1,000 points (like we do it now for 2K, 3K 4K, 7.5K, 10K and 15K). The eye-catching unofficial 2K award was something that one of our members posted as a joke. People seem to like it a lot, though... :p

    The 50K Toaster was another one of those happy accidents. (If you want an idea how much WU point-value has increased, look at the scores for me & Vicodin from then and now.)

    I just whipped up the 25K Folding Star on a whim. At the time, I think we only had about 25 members with 25K+ points. I've always liked geometric patterns and after fiddling around with it for a while managed to get 25 :fold: 's arranged in a "star" pattern.

    We came out with the 50K cogs as a way to avoid using hundreds of the little ones. Just this week we've added a 100K cog to the mix. You can blame people like csimon for that. :csimon:

    The 100K Plaque only began last summer. When we rolled it out last July there were only 17 names on it. As of right now there are 74. :thumbsup:
  • botheredbothered Manchester UK
    edited April 2005
    Congrats Manc, another rung up the ladder. :thumbsup:
  • MancunianMancunian Manchester, UK
    edited April 2005
    Thanks bothered. That's nice of you my friend. Hope everything's fine with you btw. Not seen you around so much lately so guess you're busy or something huh? :)

    And Prof thank you SO much for that fascinating insight into the history and current situation with regard to the various certs and what have you. It's amazing how fast things have moved on, wouldn't you say? You say not many people had 25K+ points at that time and yet look at everyone now ... well maybe not EVERYONE but you know what I mean. :D

    And as far as geometric patterns go, I'm with you there. I like them too. I used to be fascinated with computer fractal patterns not so long ago - just to look at you understand. Very pretty patterns sometimes. Anyway I digress. :)

    Thanks again, Prof. Appreciate your input as always. :thumbsup:
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