Age Of Empires II - Let's Play!

profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
edited April 2005 in Gaming
Since several people in the AOE III thread expressed an interest, how about we try and get a SM battle going?

I'm good at whipping the computer. I'd like to see how I measure up against live opponents. :ninja:


  • CaffeineMeCaffeineMe Cedar Rapids, IA
    edited April 2005
    I'd be interested, but my schedule is often times less than ideal. However, willing to try. I've not had AoE2 installed for awhile, and not at all since I switched to XP a month or so ago (not much of an early adopter I guess ;D ).
  • BLuKnightBLuKnight Lehi, UT Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Once finals are over, I'm in! Do we have a game server stashed somewhere?
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited April 2005
    Play with what? Is there a demo out yet?
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited April 2005
    mmonnin wrote:
    Play with what?...
    Don't tempt me to be rude... ;D

    We're referring to AOE II as in "2". But "III" can't get here soon enough for me. :)
  • CrazyJoeCrazyJoe Winter Springs, FL Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Are we going to play with the Expansion?
  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Are we going to play with the Expansion?

    Now that sounds just a little dirty if you ask me... :eek:
  • CrazyJoeCrazyJoe Winter Springs, FL Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Right... Well I tried installing the game, but it got to 51% and then just hung... So unless I can find another CD doesn't look like I'll be playing...
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited April 2005
    Ahhh ok. I was wanting to go out and buy it or get the demo.
  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    Right... Well I tried installing the game, but it got to 51% and then just hung... So unless I can find another CD doesn't look like I'll be playing...

    Try this: open Alcohol 120%. Make a disc image. Then mount that disc image in Acohol 120 and try to install off of the image.
  • CrazyJoeCrazyJoe Winter Springs, FL Icrontian
    edited April 2005
    I don't have Alcohol 120%
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