SP2 Messing up Geforce fx 5700 ultra

edited April 2005 in Hardware
I was just forced to download sp2 due to windows intelligence...and now my graphics card is going crazy...i get random lines in games but they run its jus messing up. I do have latest drivers. Any ideas


  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited April 2005
    Double check it didnt upgrade your drivers to another version or reinstall the drivers again yourself.

  • edited April 2005
    Uninstalled drivers....used detonator reinstalled newest nvidia ones....still had problem.....uninstalled and detonated again, installed omega drivers....still had problems.
  • lemonlimelemonlime Canada Member
    edited April 2005
    That is an odd problem. I would do a google for an application called 'driver cleaner'. It is designed to completely remove all traces of nvidia/ati display drivers. Once completely removed, you can give the latest nvidia drivers a try again.

    You may also want to reinstall Directx9.

    The timing in which this occured leads me to believe it is not a hardware issue, but it is still possible. A full windows may be a worst case scenario, but that is never fun.
  • edited April 2005
    Ok i ran the Driver Cleaner program and i followed all the steps of removing nvidia drivers and completely got rid of them then reinstalled the newest nvidia drivers. Still had a problem. Ran the Direct X 9 program and it jus searches for updates and says nothing needed. Any new ideas, lol.
  • lemonlimelemonlime Canada Member
    edited April 2005
    Do these odd lines etc occur in all games or just in some games? If you have a second PC, you may wish to throw your vidcard in there to ensure it's not a hardware issue (although the timing of the issue indicated a software issue).

    Also, what are your system specs? If you have an nForce based mainboard, you may also want to try to install the latest chipset/platform drivers.

    Worst case scenario, I would format and reinstall windows. But definatly try your card out in another PC to determine if it is a hardware issue before you start reinstalling windows.
  • edited April 2005
    Well this has happened the past three times i have upgraded to sp2...each time before i would just restore to before i put on sp2, and then i would continue and i would try this again when nvidia had new drivers. I just could never get sp2 and my vid card to like each other....sp1 was workin fine until windows decided for me that i needed their amazing sp2. I had been told something about flashing bios on my card for some update...any ideas on that one. My board is a soyo kt880 i have a amd 3000+ 512 crucial ram,

    This problem ONLY occurs in games. Every other instance i have no problem with vid card
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