i/o device error with dvd-rom

edited May 2005 in Hardware
My dvd-rom doesn't work. when I tried using it it won't read the disks I normally use. I get an i/o device error. when I uninstall the drivers the computer detects the drive and reinstalls the drivers but I still can't use it.help please!


  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited April 2005
    New drive? Or one that was working fine and suddenly crapped out without you opening the case, or touching the cables, or adding other drives or reinstalling the operating system or... The list goes on forever.

    We need more info basicaly.

  • edited April 2005
    Sorry. I have a toshiba A30-303 laptop with a mat****a dvd-ram model UJ-811. It has reported a i/o device error when I use different disks. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers but still get the same report. I have not done anything else coz I am a neophyte with computers. Please help. Thanks!
  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited April 2005
    Does it do it on all disks? It's not a driver problem. Its either disks that are scratched or your losing (or lost) your drive. Since its a laptop drive and not easily or cheaply replaced try getting a cd/dvd lens cleaning kit. It will have a thing that looks like a cd and usually has little brushes that come down as it spins inside the computer and tries to clean the thing off that reads the disks.

  • edited May 2005
    i have tried using the dvd disk cleaner on comp. It worked out fine. Still when I try to install games the drive would not read the disk. The disk I used are all brand new but to no avail its still doesn't read the disk.
  • TexTex Dallas/Ft. Worth
    edited May 2005
    Try ebay for a replacement dvd then
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