please help - XP Install
i have a hp laptop runnning xp home. one day i turned it on and it went to a blue screen saying unmountable_boot_volume. its actually my parents computer and they have lost the xp discs that come witht the computer. not only do i not have the discs but a couple of weeks before this happened the cd-rom also stopped working. please any help would be greatly appreciated
Is the laptop under warranty? If it came with XP home on it, it sounds relatively new....
If the computer has a floppy drive, you need to download a drive diagnostic and boot off the floppy that the program will create for you.
It appears that most HP laptops use Hitachi Travelstar drives. If you have a Hitachi or IBM hard drive, download this, run it, and it will create a bootable floppy that you can use to test the hard drive.
Let me know how that goes.
So, right in the BIOS (before anything loads) there are errors?
Has this thing been dropped recently?