Homeworld 2 Demo today!
Fileplanet says the HomeWorld 2 Demo will be available today (Sept. 3, 2003). Just thought some of you might like to know.
If the servers get too crowded, I will gladly host the file myself (as I have a FilePlanet pay account), or send it to someone with a better connection than I.
If the servers get too crowded, I will gladly host the file myself (as I have a FilePlanet pay account), or send it to someone with a better connection than I.
Been waiting a long time for this game, i just hope it's all that i antisapate it to be
EDIT: BTW, the shortest wait in the public servers is 23 minutes. Being as my connection is so slow, you guys might as well deal with fileplanet for the time being, till someone else here can host the file.
AH, and only 6 minutes left!
i'll have it in 50 min but i got nowhere to host it from, if any1 has the space i'll upload it.
This has to be, hands down, best RTS of the year. Definate buy. It can look really really complicated once they introduce the Z axis to you in the tutorial, but most fans of the original shouldn't have any problem adjusting. I had never played the original myself (running tomorrow to grab it and Cataclysm expansion), so even if you arn't experienced, it's still fun.
Edit: Jebus. I have to keep adding to my list.. Soo many games to buy!!!
Methinks you may be forgetting a little-known title called Rise of Nations
It has even non-gamers at my office playing rabidly every chance they get...during lunch, after work, at home...heck, one guy bought a computer so he could play the game at home!
I agree with Templar too, I'm going fail all my classes and become poor after this year, too much stuff to play, luckily the comp can handle it all. Back to demo-ing
Enders game is the best. Now I wait for the two greatest things ever.
1) Video Game based on book (It could never live up to it though, I can hope...... Relic!!! Are you listening to me???)
2) The movie!!
is it worth getting though? I'm not a big fan of it really..I don't know enough about it to judge though..heh