IE May Get Tabs Before Summer
Windows enthusiast site on Thursday claimed that Microsoft's MSN group is working on a new toolbar that will add tabs to Internet Explorer, an idea one analyst thinks could boost the whole browser-as-money-maker idea.
Source: TechWeb"MSN is currently developing a next-generation version of their popular MSN Toolbar Suite," said the Neowin site in a brief item. The updated version, Neowin claimed, would give current versions of Internet Explorer the ability to display multiple pages in one frame, organized by tabs, much as Mozilla's Firefox browser now offers.
Although Microsoft has committed to adding tabs to IE, it's said that the feature will only appear in IE 7.0, a security-enhanced version due to beta this summer. IE 7.0 is to work only in Windows XP SP2, according to comments Microsoft has made previously.
This thing is the best since sliced bread. Just imagine, your popups will be in a tab too