Fake MSN Messenger 7.0.0814 Leaks -- Causes Stir!

SpinnerSpinner Birmingham, UK
edited May 2005 in Science & Tech
A post appeared yesterday on the Internet of a seemingly new build of MSN Messenger 7, it added new features previously not included in the final version (7.0.0777). However, the build turned out to be a bogus fake.

I didn't post the original news item here at Short-Media simply because it was obvious it wasn't genuine, but if any of you did hear about it and have installed the fake version, I recommend you uninstall it and go back to using the official release build of 7.0.0777.
Volv just pulled a prank by putting something in his nickname indicating that he had some sort of new build, and it got posted here. It was an experiment to see how fast a “leaked” build would spread, and Inky was used for it. Plus, it was pretty.. Succesful.
Source: Neowin


  • edited May 2005
    i need the fuckin fake msn cuz i hack e mails wid !!
  • edited May 2005
    It is ALOT faster, and if u dont want the extra features..just the speed, just replace the msnmsgr.exe file and not the .dll files.
  • edited May 2005
    I want to hack PASSWORDS of others that's why I want Fake MSN.
    And also want to know the secrets.
    "Nothing Should Be Secret"
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