Windows explorer fault.
Manchester UK
The kids PC has developed a strange fault. You can get the internet on, you can play games, you can do almost anything except use windows explorer. If you have it open and click on any drive or folder to see what's in it, the PC freezes up. The only way out is the reset button. If I look at the drives\folders from my PC, under network places, I can open them all.
How can I repair Windows explorer?
How can I repair Windows explorer?
Yep, worth a shot.. make sure you use the 'IT professional' full install version. Should be able to download it from when you search for 'XP SP2'.
Another thought: You may want to run a chkdsk /r from the command prompt, just incase there are NTFS filesystem problems causing issues with windows explorer.
Cheers lemonlime, I'll post how it goes.
Should I mention SVT?
My youngest is trying to import some audio into a macromedia project he's playing with but has the same problem, he can't select files.
Repair it is then.
Ignorance mode, Prof, what's SVT?
I have a long memory for these things.
You mentioned it was your kids computer. With a daughter of my own and six nieces & nephews, it's the first thing I check when one of their computers goes whacko.
Anyhow, nice suprise, my 18 year old son who likes staying up late (ie all night) has looked up repair installs and fixed it . He likes using the PC but doesn't usually get into how they work or anything. Everything is working fine now
Thanks for help guys.
I have read various ‘cures’ on the internet, but none have worked for me.
Today, I did a search in C:\Windows for explorer to see if I could find another copy of explorer.exe . One Search Result gave the shortcut:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\Start Menu\Programs\ Accessories\Windows Explorer .
This is:
%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe .
My shortcuts for Numerous drives and DVD ROMs have now been changed, so that the shortcut:
C:\Windows\explorer.exe /n,/e, J:\
now becomes
%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /n,/e, J:\ .
Time will tell if there is further trouble from Windows Explorer, but it's been running for hours with no trouble
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Arthur HC
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[FONT="]Sunday, 13 June 2010[/FONT]