PHP includes and web searches...

GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
edited April 2005 in Internet & Media
I'm running into a bit of a stumbling block on a customer's website. I have implemented a good deal of the reusable page elements using include statements in php. On the home page, I have the top navigation pulled in from an include file, and the bottom sig line from another include file. However, it seems like as a result of this, only the upper portion, my top navigation, gets crawled by the web spider and the integrated google search I've included on the page can't find any of the content of any of the pages on the site. However, when looking at the page code using 'view source' the entire page shows up from top include through main content down to bottom include, as it should show to the end user.

Does anyone have any pointers for me as to how to get this page to index properly and be searchable? I'd prefer not to get rid of the include structure if at all possible.

Here is the page:

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