Corel Unveils WordPerfect E-Mail Client
Corel plans to announce a small business version of its WordPerfect Office 12 suite that includes a new WordPerfect Mail e-mail client.
Source: PC WorldThe e-mail client is based on Bloomba, which was distributed by San Mateo, California-based Stata Labs until that company was acquired by Yahoo last October. Bloomba was lauded by reviewers as being efficient and easy to use, but it lacked a high profile. Yahoo discontinued distribution of Bloomba after it bought Stata Labs.
Corel was in talks with Stata Labs before it was taken over by Yahoo and has now struck a deal with the Sunnyvale, California, Internet company to distribute Bloomba as WordPerfect Mail, says Richard Carriere, a general manager at Corel. Details of the agreement were not disclosed.
WordPerfect Mail includes a spam filter, contact manager, shared calendaring, and support for RSS (really simple syndication) feeds to help users keep up with new additions to Web logs and other Web sites, according to Corel.