Searching for boot record

I am having an issue with an hp computer. While trying to boot of the the HDD it is searching for the boot record from this device which is not being located. This drive worked fine up until I ran the CHKDSK on it and it found a few errors and repaired (or attempted to) the errors found. It hasn't been right since and I can't even reload windows or boot off of a disc. Anyone have any ideas what has caused this and how can I get this to boot back up? The memory has been tested as well as the rest of the hardware so I'm not sure how to proceed at this point. Thanks for any suggestions you guys have.
Once we are sure the drive is physically OK we can move on to other issues.
Also, I have put this drive in my computer. It recognizes it in the device manager and says it is working properly but the drive doesn't show up when I open my computer. Typically I know it should be listed because I have done this on prior occassions but this one isn't showing up.
If the drive is OK, boot from the WinXP CD, go to the repair console, then run the following commands:
Good luck.
Do I have to have the disc from hp (if one came with it at time of purchase)? Or can I use any Xp home disc?
If that doesn't work, try TestDisk.
Maximus, Yes I have my computer. But what is the difference between trying to boot off of a windows cd or making a boot disk?
Is the drive physically identified in the bios? (I know you mentioned that it sees it in the other computer.) Did you try TestDisk while the drive was in the other machine?
That sounds like it's just trying to see if it can boot from the network, since it can't find a local drive to boot from.
Good luck.
What's the command line prompt and what does it show when you type dir and then hit enter?
When the dir command is entered I get this:
If a floppy is necessary I can make one from my laptop to use.
You can look the code up at Maxtor's website. Make sure you write it down for RMA purposes.
Sorry to hear that the drive is toast; I hope you can get a replacement out of them.
I couldn't find a detailed list, but this page has some info on the code business.