what is wrong with my pc

edited May 2005 in Hardware
Hi, recently I just noticed that my pc would randomly reboot for no reason, I did a virus scan and find two viruses, so i format my entire drive. My drive is fresh install now, but I still notice a random reboot from time to time, sometimes i have the computer on for like 10 mins then it reboot, sometimes longer, anyone had similar problem or know what may be wrong?


  • GrayFoxGrayFox /dev/urandom Member
    edited May 2005
    check your voltages and run memtest

    for memtest go to www.memtest86.com get it burn. pop it in your drive reboot and let it finish at least 4 passes.

    If you get any errors your ram is bad. Throw it out or if its in warentey still rma it.
  • sfleurietsfleuriet Texas New
    edited May 2005
    mine does that too sometimes, but usually only when i have a lot of applications running or im in the middle of gaming. i was thinking it could be overheating? maybe i should run the memtest since I've posted before about an error message and you guys told me to do it. :p
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