question regarding 9800 xt RMA and ATI
my 9800 xt crapped out... red pixels during games and in windows which dissapear when I turn hardware acceleration off. I bought this on ebay...(I think it was a refurb) the sticker on the back of the card on the thin metal piece has the two letters RE after the long number (does tht mean it's a refurb?) either way I sent the model and part number to ATI and they gave me an RMA...I'm about to ship it to them.... does anyone know if they will repair a refurbished card? I hope they do... I'm too broke to buy anythin else...
They still give you a new one if your don't have proof of purchase.
My buddy broke his 9600xt (damaged the core putting on a new cooler) Put it in the box without a cooler sent it to ati without a rma number even and they sent him a new one that overclocks about 3% better .