Logitech 64-Bit Software Put Off Until June
Birmingham, UK
Peripherals manufacturer Logitech said Thursday that all of its mice and keyboards will operate at a basic level within Microsoft's new 64-bit OS. Specialized SetPoint functionality, however, is due in June.
Source: Extremetech"We are currently working with our OEM customers to ensure that our products requiring drivers are updated. Many of our OEM products are plug-and-play, as they are supported natively in the operating system, and do not require updates. To meet the needs of the early-adopter PC gaming market, Logitech has worked for several months to develop and test updated drivers for Logitech PC gamepads, steering wheels and joysticks.
:thumbsdow Way to go logitech.
SetPoint x64 Bit (supporting several mice & keyboards)
MX510 Optical Mice x64 Bit Drivers (can be used on MX500 too)
The SetPoint I know will cover their newest gaming mouse, the MX518, I g0t that straight from Logitech...