gtghm Grinds Up 150,000!!!

profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
edited May 2005 in Milestones
Getting his name on the big plaque wasn't enough for our buddy gtghm. He's now gone that one a good measure better. Congrats on a terrific job, teammate!
gtghm Is In The Groove!!!!!!!


  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited May 2005
    Smashing good score!!!! Congrats, dude. :thumbsup:
  • Mt_GoatMt_Goat Head Cheezy Knob Pflugerville (north of Austin) Icrontian
    edited May 2005
    Outstanding performance! :D

    I normally don't like making partial quotes but this is an exception.
    gtghm wrote:
    ..... seems real special.
    That's because you are! ;)
  • gtghmgtghm New
    edited May 2005
    Wow, thanks guys :)

    I missed this, I have been so busy lately that I haven't had the time to browse the boards like I used to.

    I finally got a job, at least for now. It is a temporary thing but at 26 bucks an hour I can't bitch. Funny thing though, ever since I had gotten laid off last October I had been filling my time with working out and practicing. I had filled my schedule so full that I barely had time to work and actual job... LOL :scratch: :bawling: ;D

    So now I get up at 5:20am each week day and either head off to the Y to work out or to the 24hr bowling alley to work on my game. Then I head to the job and try grind out an 8hr work day there LOL then its off to the Pro Shop where I volunteer to do ball work and stuff so I can get equipment and stuff like coaching and practice in trade, I do that till about 6:30 or 7:00pm then its off to the home front to do all the stuff that has gone undone till I pass out on the couch watching either the Mariners lose or south park where I wake up with some loud crazy infomercial (used to be the test screen but now networks broadcast infomercials instead) LOL and drag my butt to bed so I can do it all over again....

    It's been worth it, I finally have gotten good enough to get my PBA card (Professional Bowlers Association) and I have finished in the middle of the field in the 2 professional events that I have competed in thus far, plus I have managed to drop at least 8 inches off my waist. I still watch over all the FH rigs that I have and I do get a chance to pop in here from time to time but I don't get a chance to sit and browse them like I use to do...

    The next few weeks it’s all going to get even better as my next assignment is going to temporarily assign me to a work location 35 miles away from my house and add 40 minutes to my commute. I figure I'll have to move my start time up at least and hour to get it all in... :wtf::scratch: Not sure if I can do all that....

    Thanks for making me feel a part of this really cool team..., you guys are awsome... :)

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