Tired of big dumb faces at computer stores
Missouri New
****Post is lengthy****
So me and my friend walk into CompUSA. i ended up going to the cooling section, particularly the heatsinks and such. This woman was over there and she asked for one of the customer service reps. or what not. She says, "I have a cooling issue with my processor. I am running a program that monitors the temp. and its coming in high. I have 3 other systems all the same specs but only this one is running at the higher temp." The guy is like, what processor is it? she says an AMD. Im thinking "Does the brand of processor really matter? I mean if it's overheating then its overheating." Anyways, the guy says "well is there artic silver on it?" A good suggestion and she says yes. Next, hes like "Well the best thing you could do is bring it in." Then, another random joe representative comes walking by. The other guy asks him to listen to her problem. He listens half-attentively and then says, "It's probably air-flow, how many fans you have in there?" She says 3, not including the heatsink fan. He says, "well....you can put another fan in there." Shes like ok. I believe 3 fans would cool it enough, in some situations putting more fans in there ends up causing higher temps, its the placement that really counts. I was wondering if she had some for intake and some for exhaust. I really didnt want to say anything though. Then, she is standing next to the heatsinks and points to the beloved Zalman, she says "Do you think this will cool it better?" The guy blatenly says "No." I about **** myself. Im thinking are you serious? Once again, "The best thing you can really do is bring it in." Then the woman is like alright and walks off. I really wanted to talk to her but i dont know... I feel stupid doing that. Once again, another backwoods retard employee just trying to make some more money. He could of at least gave her a list of tips to help her cool it and troubleshoot it. Anyways, just wondering what your take on this is. Sorry about the long post.
So me and my friend walk into CompUSA. i ended up going to the cooling section, particularly the heatsinks and such. This woman was over there and she asked for one of the customer service reps. or what not. She says, "I have a cooling issue with my processor. I am running a program that monitors the temp. and its coming in high. I have 3 other systems all the same specs but only this one is running at the higher temp." The guy is like, what processor is it? she says an AMD. Im thinking "Does the brand of processor really matter? I mean if it's overheating then its overheating." Anyways, the guy says "well is there artic silver on it?" A good suggestion and she says yes. Next, hes like "Well the best thing you could do is bring it in." Then, another random joe representative comes walking by. The other guy asks him to listen to her problem. He listens half-attentively and then says, "It's probably air-flow, how many fans you have in there?" She says 3, not including the heatsink fan. He says, "well....you can put another fan in there." Shes like ok. I believe 3 fans would cool it enough, in some situations putting more fans in there ends up causing higher temps, its the placement that really counts. I was wondering if she had some for intake and some for exhaust. I really didnt want to say anything though. Then, she is standing next to the heatsinks and points to the beloved Zalman, she says "Do you think this will cool it better?" The guy blatenly says "No." I about **** myself. Im thinking are you serious? Once again, "The best thing you can really do is bring it in." Then the woman is like alright and walks off. I really wanted to talk to her but i dont know... I feel stupid doing that. Once again, another backwoods retard employee just trying to make some more money. He could of at least gave her a list of tips to help her cool it and troubleshoot it. Anyways, just wondering what your take on this is. Sorry about the long post.
Don't be too harsh on the store types in this situation, I worked at a shop (not Comp USA but a local -mid volume shop) and their way of dealing with stuff like that was to try to sell a customer anything they needed but never to tell them how to fix a problem. Instead they were treated to those very same words "You'll need to bring it in..."
I had a problem doing that to folks, hence I'm no longer employed there because I locked horns with my then sales manager more than once on that very issue and I made it plain how I felt, I thought it was a crappy way to treat our customers and often I went to the mat over that in the store within earshot of the customers.
Eventually I got fired for my troubles.
Radioshack, too. Buncha idiots. You need to be 18 to work there, but I know for a fact that I know more than more of the 30+ year olds there. I'm not bragging; just stating. If I know as much/more than Joe Blow who's 20, why don't I get hired? :shakehead