OK, I don't know why this is in G&S, but just a moment ago I could swear that not only did I make this in Storage, but I saw it in that forum as well. Could a MOD move it?
Run HDtach and see. What you have there must be a glitch. It's impossible to get that speed out of ANY ida/sata drive. Test on another partition on the same drive as well. But i agree, insane atto nonetheless.
I am re running the benchmark becuase I had stuff accessing the drive in the background(Shared iTunes Music), but I got 84.4MBps with 14.5ms Random Access.
How good is that compaired to others? In the compaire thing they had my drive is way ahead of others with the same drive.
IIRC, you should select 'Overlapped I/O' or else you'll get some strange results in ATTO.. The only thing that should be changed when starting it up is changing the Total Length to 32MB
Can you move a large file over to the drive and see how well it actually writes? Move it over from RAID or write something huge to it. WinRAR or something to test it.
How good is that compaired to others? In the compaire thing they had my drive is way ahead of others with the same drive.