ATI Multi VPU To Use External Connector

The Inquirer reports that they now have confirmation that ATI will be using an external connector in order to make its Multi VPU function. ATI tried to avoid using a connector but after concluding a connector would be actually necessary, ATI decided to go with an external one, as apposed to an internal one, to make sure owners of their X800 and X850 line of cards could still upgrade to a multi VPU setup in the future.
Source: The Inquirer
A thoughtful move by ATI.It will be interesting to see the connector live but the good news is that owners of X800 and X850 cards will be able to buy one more card and to have multi VPU up and running. Otherwise ATI would be caught in the cross fire between Multi VPU wannabes and future dual card users.
One thing is certain, ATI is definitely entering this market very aggressively as it wants a hefty piece of Nvidia's SLI cake. There is some money to be earned and ATI wants to be there.
Source: The Inquirer
If I'm not mistaken, in general, 2x6800gt is slightly more powerful than an x850xt-pe, no? Now imagine 2xx850xt-pe.
/me drools
And here I thought I'd be shooting myself in the foot for buying an X850 with no dual card options in the future