Bad Mac to PC Conversion

Howdy folks. I need to unzip a file. The problem is it was zipped with a Mac (OSX) that I use at school but I'm home now on my PC. I need this assignment done by tomorrow morning. When I use Windows or WinRar to attempt to decompress the file it fails and says the archive is corrupt. Is there anyway in the word I can decompress this correctly in order to use these files on my PC?
Secondly, I have the same files on a DVD-R that was burned with a Mac that is also incompatible with my three PCs at home. If I can provide anymore information that may help diagnose my problem please ask. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Secondly, I have the same files on a DVD-R that was burned with a Mac that is also incompatible with my three PCs at home. If I can provide anymore information that may help diagnose my problem please ask. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
DVD: The Mac probably formatted the DVD in one of Apple's neat filesystems (HFS+ comes to mind, though it may be some linux filesystem as well eg ext2). Look up the default settings for the burning program you used and see what filesystem it likes to make.
Those here on MAC's use stuffit to compress all their files . on PC's we need to use the PC program called Alladin expander to decompress files "zip'd" on the MAC
Open it with a text editor like wordpad and see what the first few bytes say. a lot of times it will say in plain text "ZIP" or "RAR" or something like that.
Take the zip back to the mac. Does it still open?
If you need the files off the DVD, download MacDrive 6. You can get a 30 day trial, that should get your disks mounted so you can work.
Prime, Neither Notepad nor WordPad will open the file. It's 900 megs. Notepad says the file is too big and WordPad just brings the computer to a hault. I'm going to download MacDrive 6 now. Thanks for the suggestion and I will report back with my findings. Thx guys.
Wednesday is my last day of school! That's until summer school starts.