Are these those orbs I read about?

botheredbothered Manchester UK
edited May 2005 in Internet & Media
Hi all,
I've had my Kodak LS433 for a couple of years, I think it's a nice camera.
To the point. Over the last few years I have taken thousands of pics and I'm happy with them but recently I've taken a few that are differant. The first two are taken in a tent in the garden during my Daughters 16th birthday party last night. The first is Daughter, the second is of one of her friends (who dosen't want her pic on the net) The third was taken on 25th April 2005 in our living room by youngest Son. The third one has a fainter 'orb thing' to the left under the mirror, That's me in the mirror on the PC by the way. These three pics are the only ones in the many I have taken with these 'orbs' in them. I took 50 pics of Daughters party both in and out of the tent but only these two have these things on them. What do you think they are?


  • botheredbothered Manchester UK
    edited May 2005
    Here's the third.By the way, these are cropped pics saved as jpegs.
  • edited May 2005
    dust.dont think im an all out skeptic, i believe in the supernatel but orbs to me are just dust or other stuff floating around. Take a picture in the rain, in a dusty room or somewhere where small particles are floating around and youll get the same results. I have one pic i took in the rain and there are hundreds or the "orbs" i nthe picture but really they are just the rain drop being pictures. ill see if i still have it around.
  • edited May 2005
    Well a quick Google brought up this... you might want to take a peek at it.
  • botheredbothered Manchester UK
    edited May 2005
    It is possible, in the first two at least, that they are caused by rain because it was raining a little but, they are in the middle of a bunch of pics taken inside and the pics either side of them don't have it. The third one was also in the middle of clear pics. I'll just have to see if I get some more.
  • edited May 2005
    It's particles in the air (usually dust, but heavy water vapor or plain rain can do it too) reflecting the light JUST right back at the camera lense.
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