Stupid thing that's bugging me

deicistdeicist Manchester, UK
edited June 2005 in Community
This really is stupid but..... on the Short-media homepage on the tabs across the top 'forums' is the first one and 'news, full stories' is the second right? Now if you go into one of the news stories 'forums' switches to the second tab and 'home' is on the first one. Since all the other buttons stay in the same place it seems a little inconsistent. Personally I think 'forums' should stay on the second tab and 'home' / 'news full stories' should be on the first one.

Told you it was stupid :)


  • RewiredRewired Member
    edited June 2005
    Oh yeah, totally. I've always found this quirk somewhat suspicious. The issue though goes beyond clicking on News: full Stories. For example if you click downloads, F@H appears in tab previously occupied by Downloads. The idea, from what I can tell, is that there are 8 tabs but only seven are shown to you at any one time because you don't need a tab for the page you're currently viewing. That said, the system does seem a little unpredictable but there is probably a pattern to the madness.
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