Mancunian Throttles 7.5K Milestone!

MancunianMancunian Manchester, UK
edited May 2005 in Milestones
With apologies once again for not being as active in the forums as I used to be (wrong time of year for me - just busy with LOTS of volunteer work in Manchester) but congratulations to everyone who has passed a personal milestone lately or joined the team. :thumbsup: :woowoo: :clap:

However I just wanted to say I've now passed 7.5K and I'm as chuffed now as I was when I got my very first cog - only just mind. ;D

Anyway guyz n galz, take care and hope to be back with you all as soon as time permits.



  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited May 2005
    Awesome job, my man. Keep up the great Folding!

    Here are your 7.5 cogs:

  • MancunianMancunian Manchester, UK
    edited May 2005
    Gee thanks a lot, Prof! Very nice of you and :woowoo: I'd completely forgotten about my pickle! Thank goodness I never get into one. :D

    See you at 10K soon I hope. ... And my 30th WU coming up next too! :thumbsup:

  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited May 2005
    Pickle... ;D

    Always cracks me up..... Congrats on 7.5K!!!! :thumbsup:
  • edited May 2005
    allright Mancunian! havent seen you around for a while but at least your still folding for the team! Rock on dude!
  • MancunianMancunian Manchester, UK
    edited May 2005
    Hiya Q. Thanks m8. The pickle always cracks me up too! ;D

    And thank you for your kind words. Appreciate it. :thumbsup:

    And Diminion, no, I've not been around as much but as I explained, I do a lot of voluntary work in the summer which starts around May and finishes at the end of August usually, although it's not ALL the way through solidly so hope to still be able to find some time now and again to come in and offer my congratulations and welcomes along with the rest of you. But yes, still folding as enthusiastically as always and moving up the rankings VERY slowly but surely so watch out! :D;D
  • DonutDonut Maine New
    edited May 2005
    Congrats on the folding pickle!
  • MancunianMancunian Manchester, UK
    edited May 2005
    Cheers Donut. Appreciate it very much. :)
  • SiggySiggy Sydney Australia
    edited May 2005
    way to go Mancunion,

    congrats on the pickle!!
    see ya at 10K soon
  • Liquid81Liquid81 Westbrook,CT
    edited May 2005
    totally cool. ENJOY YOUR PICKLE!
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