For some reason on this random day the USB quit working for everything. I did all the WIndows updates looked for ones under hardware updates. none of them worked. I dont know what is wrong what could it be???
My brother had the exact same problem. He thinks a static shock might've taken out all the USB ports (though I'm not sure...). He's formatted his computer, reinstalled Windows, newest everything... no go. If you figure it out, please let me know!
My brother had the exact same problem. He thinks a static shock might've taken out all the USB ports (though I'm not sure...). He's formatted his computer, reinstalled Windows, newest everything... no go. If you figure it out, please let me know!
My sister had the same problem (I suspect she shorted it by atempting to force the connecter in upside down we got a pci usb card and its fine now.)
try going to control panel -> system -> device manager -> USB Controllers and removing them all. Then try rebooting and they should be redetected.
hmm well it doesnt have it in device manager. SO i guess it was uninstalled somehow?? I got the USB ports installed on this pc with windows update, thats what it said on the CD
Well i tried lik 3 kinds of drivers and it doesnt work. I did a VIA, Windows Xp and some other one. still doesnt show up
gray and entropy, did your bro/sis have a digital camera?? I was thinking that something with my sisters camera Canon caused it. Im not quite certain but everything worked when she didnt use her cam on here.
hmm well it doesnt have it in device manager. SO i guess it was uninstalled somehow?? I got the USB ports installed on this pc with windows update, thats what it said on the CD
Well i tried lik 3 kinds of drivers and it doesnt work. I did a VIA, Windows Xp and some other one. still doesnt show up
He says he installed some stupid software that came with it, rebooted, and nothing worked... weird coincidence.