Source of strange NF4 attos found?

lemonlimelemonlime Canada Member
edited May 2005 in Hardware
Well, I thought I'd give something a try, I removed my chipset drivers, including the NV IDE drivers to see if my attos changed at all, and to my surprise, there was a big difference. Check it out. The first attachment is with the nv IDE drivers, and the second is with the standard MS drivers. The ATTO is of 1x WD360 raptor.

I lost a bit in the low end, but the midsection is really cleaned up, and much more linear now. Nvidia claims that there is more CPU overhead when using the microsoft drivers versus the nv ones, but I havent tested that theory at all. The good news is that this appears to be a software issue, and it could very well be a simple fix. My NF3 250GB did not exhibit this issue, I wonder if it is a bug in the standalone NF4 platform drivers.

/me wonders if the IDE drivers from the Unified package can be installed on NF4.


  • GobblesGobbles Ventura California
    edited May 2005
    I dont have an NF4 chipset but ive never used the NVide driver. Its always had "issues" for some it works perfect, for others its the source of headaches. Ive never loaded it on my NF2 system
  • lemonlimelemonlime Canada Member
    edited May 2005
    From the NV IDE Drivers installation..
    The NVIDIA IDE SW driver replaces the ATA drivers (that come with Windows)
    with drivers that are optimized for nForce2/nForce3/nForce4-based desktop computers.

    The NVIDIA IDE SW driver reduces the storage sub-system bottleneck, enabling
    the processor and other system level hardware to be more productive and

    Installation of the NVIDIA IDE SW Driver is required to enable the NVIDIA RAID
    solution. If you are installing NVIDIA RAID into a NEW Windows Operating
    System, a floppy disk with the NVIDIA IDE Drivers must be created to enable
    installation of NVIDIA RAID.

    In most cases, the NVIDIA IDE SW driver is not a requirement for your operating
    system to work properly.
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