i want to oc my computer>.<

gabrielwonggabrielwong A places that no one live XD
edited June 2005 in Hardware
i am new to Overclock.... too bad...

my computer is using AMD athlon XP 2600+ fan given by the original(very old...)

Mainboard: MSI KT6V


How to get into the bios??? i cannot find the key since this is a SATA board >.<

And how much Mhz can i add if i use the original fan...

Thanks all XD


  • DonutDonut Maine New
    edited May 2005
    I'm not sure how to get into your bios, the del key on boot-up seems to be the most common way.

    Before you get started, I would recommend checking your temps currently. How well the cooler is working now will give an indication of how far or if It can be pushed.
  • edited May 2005
    If the delete key doesn't get you into bios, then try the F2 key. I know the 2 key gets you into the bios on a lot of oem systems.
  • gabrielwonggabrielwong A places that no one live XD
    edited May 2005
    Thankyou! :):)
  • sfleurietsfleuriet Texas New
    edited June 2005
    hm. i've never heard the 2 key! very interesting
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