F@H production nosedive

MedlockMedlock Miramar, Florida Member
edited May 2005 in Folding@Home
Since my computer's (and main producer's) power supply died I haven't turned a single WU in. Besides my own P4 2.8, there's a P4 2.6 that folds for only a few hours a day, and a P4 1.4 and a Celly 1.8...

In addition to my computer dying, computers are being built, upgraded, and moved, so no work is being done.


The celeron system will be sold sometime, but the P4 2.6 has been moved to the computer room where I can almost always make sure it's folding. It will fold 24/7 until further notice. I will order a new PSU for my own computer on Tuesday so now I will have two HT P4's (2.6 and 2.8) and a P4 1.4 running 24/7.

In the next couple weeks I will be building a new computer, a 939 A64 of some type. My 2.8 will go to my dad, so I think it will only fold during the daytime, but of course the new system will fold 24/7.

Overall, folding has been a little shaky in this home recently, but it should come out far greater than before soon. Maybe I'll finally break the 600 PPD that I've been reacing for for some time now. :thumbsup:


  • DonutDonut Maine New
    edited May 2005
    Hopefully it all shakes out and you can break the 600ppd goal. :thumbsup:
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