Hard drives, airport safe?

edited May 2005 in Hardware
I'm going to come over to the US for university during the summer but I will be bringing a 3.5" hard drive in my carry-on bag along with a laptop.

Will my hard drive or laptop hard drive be damaged by either x-ray or the metal detectors? It would suck to have all my data corrupted..



  • Shadow2018Shadow2018 Northwest Missouri
    edited May 2005
    No. The radiography used is not detrimental to your laptop or to any components.
  • botheredbothered Manchester UK
    edited May 2005
    I don't know but seeing as it's magnetically stored I think I'd hand it to the person at the machine and ask if it's ok.
  • FlintstoneFlintstone SE Florida
    edited May 2005
    My laptop has been through the scanners at various airports across the US and I haven't had one file corrupted, ever, that I know about. It shouldn't be any different for a loose HDD.
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