Tyan 2099GNNR Raid Problem

edited May 2005 in Hardware
I have a Tyan 2099GNNR motherboard with the MBFastTrak133 embedded IDE Raid Controller.

I have 4ea Western Digital 80GB IDE HDDs. They are all the same model with the 1MB cache and are all ATA100 drives. I am using them all on the raid controller connections with the boot drive as one volume (2nd connector master), two drives in a RAID 0+1 (performance setting) raid volume (slaves from both ide connectors) and a single drive as the 3rd volume (master 1st ide connector).

On the regular IDE controller I have a Sony DVD RW, a Sony CD RW and a Samsung DVD ROM..

I am using the latest Tyan MB bios 2099v110 which is reported as i845E v1.10 020504.

The MBFastTrack133 lite bios is shown as

I am using MS Win2k as the OS and it is updated with the latest patches.

I am using Norton Systems Works 2003. I use the speed disk utility to defrag my hard drive.

I have been occaisionally getting blue screens when defragging my hard drives. This occurred yesterday.

Normally I just reboot and everything is OK. Today the system would not boot.

The Promise controller said all 3 volumes were functional but it never booted.

I did some initial troubleshooting and the system will boot only if volume 1 (the boot drive) is connected.

I reflashed the bios, but no improvement.

I replace the power supply. No joy.

If I connect either volume 2 (the 2 slave drives in a raid 0+1 performance stripe) or volume 3 (the 1st IDE Connector master drive in a single drive raid 0+1 configuration) or both the system goes just past the point where you can hit CNTRL F to enter the fast trak utility.

When I disconnect both volumes 2 and 3 the system boots and win2k appears normal.

The first time I was able to get the system to boot after the blue screen it ran check disk.

I have been lazy and have not backed up since just before Christmas. I have a lot of digital photos on the 80GB (single drive) volume and music I purchased on line one the 160GB volume.

I noticed this forum and thought maybe someone could help...

Is there a add in card that will work in lieu of the onboard controller?

I appreciate any assistance....


Steve Koratsky


  • edited May 2005
    I was able to get data off one of the drives by disconnecting my DVD ROM and hooking up the data drive (volume 3, the single drive) to my IDE Controller.

    The 2 drive volume is still not accessable.

    I have also been able to boot from the c drive connected to the IDE controller.

    I still need help trying to get data off of my 2 drive volume.

    Can I purchase a PCI card IDE raid controller then connect the drives to it?

    Does it have to be a promise controller or can I get an adaptec or other brand controller?

    Does anyone have any recommendations?


    Steve Koratsky
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited May 2005
    You might want to run the diagnostic utility from WD. I'd recommend the Data Lifeguard Diagnostic for DOS (Floppy). You may just have a bum drive. The fact that things are BSOD'ing on you during a defrag would support this. MemTest v3.2 would be a good idea, too.

    You could certainly try an add-on IDE Controller. The only hitch I'd see with that is that a decent one might cost enough to justify replacing the MB, plus the fact that it's a longshot to try and recover your RAID array on any controller but the one it was created on. You may be able to do it with a partition recovery utility.

    In all honesty, I used to be a big fan of RAID, but with today's fast drives it's usually not worth the hassle. If you've got big bucks for a heavy-duty card it can really make your system fly, but as you've found, regular backups are a must. :(
  • FlintstoneFlintstone SE Florida
    edited May 2005
    You could PROBABLY use this


    and get your data back if in fact the it's the controller that went bad. If it's a disk that went bad, you're kind of out of luck unless you want to pay lots of money to recover your data.

    But, no garuantees either way.
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