Win98se software/images/collour issues: Ginh

edited May 2005 in Science & Tech
Hi all,
I just have a question related to images, they rather seem darker than they should be like either it is sent by someone else or made by me, when i view it it's always dark, so i wonder is this software related or something else ?
also i have little to no insight how to setup color-scheming in windows which is the best (also concerning light/vibrations coming from monitor etc..)

I use:
AMD Athlon 900 mhz
256mb sd-ram
Geforce4 MX 440-SE 128mb (one of the nvidia drivers "not sure which one")
Windows 98 SE ( dutch version )

And monitor is set at "true color (32-bits)" at 1152-864 pixels
The only thing i also can come up with is i have photoshop 7.0 installed ( not sure if this affects images through entire windows when it comes to colors.

Is there something in windows already that could adjust all image colors ( bright/dark etc ) which doesn't change desktop color ( just images throughout windows )

If i have left out something im glad to hear it and i'll answer to that, and im dying to know what i could do about this.

greets, Ginh
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