Happy Birthday To Us
Beepin n' BoopinDetroit, MI Icrontian
Happy Second Birthday, short-media.com
Happy Birthday! :birthday: :birthday:
The :birthday: train is coming through!!
Happy Birthday S-M
:birthday: :celebrate :Rocker:
Uh-Oh, terrible twos!
Nothing to do after all the crashes,
Not the same, for all we knew,
There she was, Born from the ashes,
And now Short-Media is two.
This site has been through alot in it's short life alive on the web. I am immensly proud of what we have achieved so far and I look forward to its continued growth.
Got alot of plans for improvements in the future, just watch out for it! PHP5 support, a new redesign and even better layout of the site/forums, using AJAX and alot more...
.............Lets all get smashed
Happy Birthday Short Media
Wow, Happy 2nd Birthday Short-Media!! I still remember the day when we were born: sittin in an office on my internship and feeling confusion when Icrontic went and the happiness when I discovered it would be reborn better in the form of Short-Media.
My Anniversary case badge sits proudly on the side of my machine.
Cheers guys!
:birthday: :celebrate :birthday: :celebrate
Before you know it, you'll be a teenager.
Now where's those nifty badges!
I mean ...you do the honors!
Happy BD SM.
i think it deserves TWO babes, csimon.
i give you the ERN005PC anime babe mod -and- for the less technically :o inclined, ms. vanessa sotth