Nvidia G70 Spy Shots

SpinnerSpinner Birmingham, UK
edited June 2005 in Science & Tech
Tweaktown has managed to get some nice photos of the prototype GeForce 7. According to the site this prototype is not a working card, but it shows what kind of size and architecture they are going to be using for the next series of GeForce cards.

View: nVidia G70 Spy Shots
Today during Computex 2005 we managed to find one of nVidia’s very scarce upcoming codename G70 graphics cards. We only had a short while with the card and we were told that the card was not a working sample.

This particular G70 is probably the same one a couple other sites managed to take photos of, however we went a step further and removed the heatsink to get a shot of the core. We also scored a shot of the memory chips used – they seem to be Samsung 1.6ns GDDR3 chips running at 600MHz.

We are actually under NDA concerning G70 so we cannot say anymore than what the pictures tell us, which was not supplied to us by nVidia but another company which shall remain anonymous.

Source: Tweaktown


  • GobblesGobbles Ventura California
    edited June 2005
    that first pic looks total fake. The white in the shadow is bright white. looks like a hoax to me.
  • edited June 2005
    looks pretty good to me first pic does look strange though
    cant wait for it to come out
    not sure wether ill shell out the bucko bucks off the bat
  • danball1976danball1976 Wichita Falls, TX
    edited June 2005
    Gobbles wrote:
    that first pic looks total fake. The white in the shadow is bright white. looks like a hoax to me.

    They had to edit the CPU model out, hence the white specs in the photo
  • edited June 2005
    I just hope they come up with a new name for the card. I'm sick of the GeForce naming scheme. It's almost as bad as the Pentium at this point.
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