Sound Blaster Live! to Audigy

I remember there was a thread on IC about turning a Sound Blaster Live! card to Audigy by simply installing the Audigy drivers. I have never gotten the chance to read the thread or download the driver pack. IIRC, XZgohan made that thread, and I am wondering if the thread can be created again with the driver pack and instructions on how to install it.
* not too sure if I am allowed to post the file.
All you need to do is download the audigy 2 install pack from, then execute the attached program pointing is to the EXTRACTED audigy(2) folder. Follow the instructions then manually update the drivers.
The new drivers may or maynot work with the sb Live! software package. I can assure you that the new drivers will sound alot better then theones that come with sb Live! series.
Soundblaster Live/Audigy > Soundblaster Audigy 2 Hack
Yep, it is possible. Well, not possible, but obvious
You wanna know? Read More.
Thanks to DriverHeaven and to Necrosis for providing Audigy2 CD!
1. Install hacked Audigy2 Drivers and Apps as written in this post. (
2. Download all updates (short changelog) from the link in that post. (
3. Install application updates (all files except AUD2DRVL11021217.exe).
4. Extract AUD2DRVL11021217.exe using WinRAR 3.10 to folder of your choice.
5. Run this file and point to the same folder as Audigy2 Driver. (
6. Run setup.exe in that folder.
7. Enjoy!
Creative Labs changes driver policies
Posted:18 December 2002 @ 20:19CET By:RIV@NVX Source: DriverHeaven
the Inquirer writes:
CREATIVE LABS has made some major changes to its drivers, with the Liveware program now discontinued.
But in a statement to the INQUIRER, the company said that support for the Live "range" will continue.
Creative said that the latest Windows XP drivers for Sound Blaster Live! and Sound Blaster Audigy were only available on CD, and offered at a nominal charge
including postage and handling.
It offered these drivers on a CD because, it said, it didn't want customers to wait until they were prepared in Web format, and also were provided in that
form because non-broadband Internet users might have spent many hours downloading the whole caboodle.
Read the full article @ the Inquirer (
It is a bit old, I know, but I forgot to post it, so I am posting it now because it is very important.
Read more for a reward
For all Audigy1 and Live! owners:
Audigy2 Driver CD (
Compatibility Patch for Live! and Audigy (
This has been out for some time, but I am posting it here...
Creative Releases New Drivers
Posted:21 December 2002 @ 13:39CET By:RIV@NVX Source: DriverHeaven
Yep, but for Audigy2 only (need to do some hacking).
If you want to know more,
What's new:
Creative MediaSource version 1.00.54: This web update contains Creative MediaSource enhancements and fixes to improve the performance of your Creative Sound
Blaster® Audigy™ 2, Audigy 2 Digital Audio and Audigy 2 Platinum.
Creative EAX Console version 1.00.54: This web update contains Creative EAX Console enhancements and fixes to improve the performance of your Creative Sound
Blaster® Audigy™ 2, Audigy 2 Digital Audio and Audigy 2 Platinum.
Creative Speaker Settings version 1.00.54 This web update contains Creative Speaker Settings enhancements and fixes to improve the performance of your
Creative Sound Blaster® Audigy™ 2, Audigy 2 Digital Audio and Audigy 2 Platinum.
Audigy 2 Driver Pack AUD2DRVL11021217 This web update contains enhancements and fixes to improve the performance of your Creative Sound Blaster® Audigy™ 2,
Audigy 2 Digital Audio and Audigy 2 Platinum.
New Features or Enhancements
ASIO 2.0 support - direct monitoring
Multi-channel "What You Hear" recording
Improved multi-channel playback performance.
Improved Advanced Resolution playback and recording functionality.
Improved functionality of 5.1 and 6.1 channel decoding in some software DVD players that output only 2 channels despite 5.1/6.1 channel selection.
Improved uninstall procedure for game port device in Windows 98 SE and Me.
Headphones usage for 192 KHz DVD-Audio tracks.
Full functionality of Bass and Treble sliders during DVD-Audio or Advanced Resolution audio playback.
Improved response in applications when enabling or disabling Digital output.
Improved multi-channel audio playback in Doom 3.
Successful launch of Motorcross Madness 2 when Welcome Menu or DVD-Audio Player are launched.
Creative DVD-Audio Player version 1.00.55 This web update contains Creative DVD-Audio Player enhancements and fixes to improve the performance of your
Creative Sound Blaster® Audigy™ 2, Audigy 2 Digital Audio and Audigy 2 Platinum.
Creative SoundFont Bank Manager version 1.00.14: This web update contains Creative SoundFont Bank Manager enhancements and fixes to improve the performance
of your Creative Sound Blaster® Audigy™ 2, Audigy 2 Digital Audio and Audigy 2 Platinum.
This sound yummy ...
Version is .323 (Audigy2 Drivers were .283, what means - 50 versions away).
Download Here (
If I get it working on Audigy1 (then will Live! work too), I will put a hack online... don't worry...
That's interesting. I found that the drivers that are contained in the original download cd were unstable and not reliable. I found that if I uninstalled the previous driver and then download the newest driver .283 I think for audigy 2 and replace the install disk drivers with the .283 and then run the compatability program. After that manually install the new .283 drivers(modified) to the system via the device manager. After that They worked great. If you then also downloaded the sb live! software pack and only installed the programs and not the drivers; The programs would function. Try that and see if it works. Sometimes you might have to uninstall all driver/programs for the card and run the software pack and then finally install the .283Modified drivers everything should work.
You end up getting a new icon in the AudioHQ called Device controls. It now gives you the ability to up the Digital sampling rate from 48 KHz to 96KHz.
Also the quality of the new .283Modified drivers were a huge improvement. The sound is crisper and no bugs that I've found so far.
Hey, I did the install by the book (or the guide linked above) and I ran into all kinds of stability issues. But being as all it took to fix was the untinstallation of these drivers, and the reinstallation of the newest Live! drivers, you might as well give it a go.