New IP Address

Anybody know how to force a Comcast cable modem to give you a new IP address? I'm experimenting with some online stuff, but I can't get a new IP address even when I power off the modem or force a release/renew via my router. I haven't done this in a while, but I remember in the past I had done this by just shutting power to the modem off. I guess I could ask for it from Comcast, but I'm just screwing around...
This will get a new IP assigned to you.
I haven't tried taking the router out of the signal flow and powering everything off, but I will tonight.
Plug one system directly into the modem and power cycle the modem. You will have another IP when it comes back up. Also, you will probably get your old IP back once you reinstall your router.
Rebooting equipment will not usually get a new IP on Comcast.