DVD Decrypter Is No More
Birmingham, UK
CDFreaks are reporting that DVD Decrypter, a piece of software that enables users to rip DVD's, will no longer be developed and all links to the software will be pulled. The author of DVD Decrypter has sadly felt the same wrath as the software company 321 Studios, who last year were also forced into removing DVD Decryption technology from their software packages.
Source: CDFreaks
No suprise with this one.Ok so it has taken a while (almost 2 years), but eventually "a certain company" has decided they don"t like what I"m doing (circumventing their protection) and have come at me like a pack of wolves. I"ve no choice but to cease everything to do with DVD Decrypter.I realise this is going to be one of those "that sucks - fight them!" kinda things, but at the end of the day, it"s my life and I"m not about to throw it all away (before it has even really started) attempting to fight a battle I can"t possibly win.
Source: CDFreaks
I just hope that the same fate does not come to DVD Shrink anytime soon.
what does that make the RIAA?
You want to have sex with the RIAA...yeah, that is worse than being a cumdumpster.
i think DVD shrink has stopped being developed aswell (although the website is still there), i might be miistaken though.