Securing your WLAN @ Tom's Networking

SpinnerSpinner Birmingham, UK
edited June 2005 in Science & Tech
Tom's Networking have posted the third part of their 'WEP Crack' article, this time looking at how to secure your wireless network.

View: WEP Crack Part III – Securing your WLAN
For example, wireless networks located in cities generally face more possible intrusions than those located in sparsely-populated areas. During the course of a day in a city, dozens, maybe hundreds of people may pass by your wireless LAN. And a car could also be parked outside your home for hours, without attracting notice. But a wireless AP located in a home on a ten-acre farm would be unlikely to see any client but its owner's and any unfamiliar vehicles would be noticed and investigated in short order.
Source: Tomsnetworking
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