NEW ATI Catalyst 5.6 Released
Birmingham, UK
ATI has released a new set of Catalyst drivers for its Radeon line of graphics cards. Go grab 'em while they're hot!
Download: [link=]ATI Catalyst 5.6 (2000/XP)[/link] (24.9MB) - ATI Catalyst 5.6 (XP64) (25.3MB)
View: [link=]Release notes (2000/XP)[/link] - Release notes (XP64) - [link=]Cataylst removal guide[/link] - [link=]ATI Catalyst Uninstaller[/link]
Source: ATI
Download: [link=]ATI Catalyst 5.6 (2000/XP)[/link] (24.9MB) - ATI Catalyst 5.6 (XP64) (25.3MB)
View: [link=]Release notes (2000/XP)[/link] - Release notes (XP64) - [link=]Cataylst removal guide[/link] - [link=]ATI Catalyst Uninstaller[/link]
Source: ATI
im installing this right away
EDIT: you only have the control panel install linked, which isn't where the major benefits of this new version lie
I could just post an extra link to the Control Center version in the news posts obviously, but I'm trying to keep the news download links as straight forward as possible. I will however consider it for next month.
Regardless, the exact same time I post news items such as this, I update the Newest Video Drivers thread (linked to below), which coincidently I've just revamped to better accommodate users like yourself with regard to the different driver install versions for the ATI Catalyst suites.
Newest Video Drivers Thread