Microsoft Offers Tabbed Browsing For IE6
Birmingham, UK
Weeks after promising tabs in its upcoming IE 7 release, Microsoft made the long-awaited browsing feature available for IE 6 through its MSN toolbar. With the version of MSN Search Toolbar made available Wednesday, IE 6 gains the ability to open numerous Web pages within a single window, each selectable by a small tab at the top of the window.
Source: News.comMicrosoft in November raised the possibility of updating IE 6's features through add-ons like the toolbar, though it disavowed any specific plans to do so.
Probably just a ploy to re-infect a computer with the "ms messenger" virus!
That is Messenger Plus that infects users with Lop spyware. It also only comes if you choose to accept the sponsor download with it. Microsoft does not condone spyware, and is obviously making small attempts to prevent it with their Anti-Spyware tool. Downloading a piece of software from Microsoft themself will not infect your computer.