Which pc3200 OCZ RAM?
I'm going to replace my RAM in my computer this christmas, and I've decided to go with OCZ RAM. I'm looking for PC3200, 1gb (2x 512mb), and my budget is less than $130. I can't decide what to ask for! Here are some links to some of the ones i'm looking at:
OCZ Value Series 2x 512mb
How are these two different?
Another OCZ Value Series 2x 512mb
OCZ Premier Value 2x 512mb
OCZ Performance Series 2x 512mb
OCZ Enhanced Latency 2x 512mb
I looked on a database for modules, and it says that OCZ DDR PC-3200 Value Winbond Series which is DDR400 @ 2.5-4-4-8, has the Winbond UTT CH-5. And I hear that it'll be really awesome with that module. It's only $84.00 too!
OCZ Value Series 2x 512mb
How are these two different?
Another OCZ Value Series 2x 512mb
OCZ Premier Value 2x 512mb
OCZ Performance Series 2x 512mb
OCZ Enhanced Latency 2x 512mb
I looked on a database for modules, and it says that OCZ DDR PC-3200 Value Winbond Series which is DDR400 @ 2.5-4-4-8, has the Winbond UTT CH-5. And I hear that it'll be really awesome with that module. It's only $84.00 too!
how much is the gold series?
Gold Series is $149.15 - way over what I want to pay.
Does anyone else think those two Value Series are a good buy??
It literally isn't. When I first built my computer, I did it with "value" stuff. I've upgraded on some of it, namely the RAM. I believe it was Corsair Value. It wasn't horrible, and wouldn't crash Windows (...very often), but it wouldn't clock past 229 for anything. It also got all sorts of errors (I'm talking hundreds of thousands) in Memtest.
You've been warned.
This christmas is also a loooong ways away. Any recommendations will likely have to change by then.
im not planning on OCing at all. I just need it for gaming, music, downloading, internet etc. I'll see if I can get some more opinons.
BTW, THIS OCZ Value Series ram has the Winbond CH-5 module, and isnt that really good???
Buy that its cheep and fast.
That would ne my suggestion. Runs tight timings at normal voltage and room for overclock if you want. I have tested these to over 225 with 2.97 volts at 2,2,2,5. Couple that with a good cpu and you have great bandwidth.
Does RAM price reeally double towards christmas??? why would that be? I'm trying to work this summer by mowing lawns, but I have no idea if I'll make enough money to buy these soon. I hope so, but we'll see! Thanks