Hardware Rearranging...
I wonder, is it possible for me to take my Dell Desktop apart and put it back together in a different way as long as everything is plugged into the correct place?
Also, is it possible to take parts from my Dell and use them in a different computer (if I build one)?
Also, is it possible to take parts from my Dell and use them in a different computer (if I build one)?
You can take the processor, memory, and any PCI or AGP cards out of your dell and use them in a new computer. You can also take the hard drives and optical drives. The motherboard is what makes it a "dell" along with the case and (in some models) the power supply. You would want to replace the heatsink, the powersupply, and the motherboard to truly make it a "better" computer - because then you can start to tweak things and perhaps overclock.
start there for the basic steps. You are going to need the following to successfully upgrade your computer:
1) A new case and power supply unit (PSU)
2) a new heatsink/fan (okay, not NEED it, but I highly recommend it)
3) New motherboard that will support your current processor and memory
4) If your dell has onboard video, you will need a new video card
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't most dell PSUs not ATX pin compatible??? (They're the same connector, but a different pin layout.)
As for my PSU, I'm not exactly sure of what kind it is. I took my computer apart this morning and took some pics with my phone. I didn't really take pictures of anything specific.
Prime, George told me that you are going to reinstall all of the stuff on the back computer. When are you coming by to do that?