386 changing cpu problem

My parents have a old 386 computer.It had a 100 mhz pentium cpu. I found a old gateway computer that had a 120 mhz cpu so I put it in their computer. before I installed the cpu I went into bios and reset the bios to defaults because there was a post here about changing the cpu and that is what it said to do.
Now when you boot up sometimes it has a black screen or a bunch of letters. When it does boot up it stops and says push delete to setup or f1 to continue. If you push f1 it boots up ok. In system properties general tab It dosent say the mhz of the cpu like it did before.
I switched back the original cpu and it still has the same problem.
Do i need to do somthing In dos?
Now when you boot up sometimes it has a black screen or a bunch of letters. When it does boot up it stops and says push delete to setup or f1 to continue. If you push f1 it boots up ok. In system properties general tab It dosent say the mhz of the cpu like it did before.
I switched back the original cpu and it still has the same problem.
Do i need to do somthing In dos?
First of all, if it worked fine before the upgrade, chances are the 120mhz processor is bad or unsupported on that board. Second, a 20mhz upgrade isn't gonna do anything for you on that machine. What are they doing on that computer that requires an upgrade? If they need an upgrade that bad, spend $299 and go to best buy and buy them a modern computer.
Put the original processor back in, and then reset the CMOS. You do that by unplugging the computer, locating the CMOS battery (usually a 5v CR2032 lithium cell - the round flat silver ones), and removing it for 30 seconds. Reinsert the battery and try booting it up again.