home network not working

edited June 2005 in Science & Tech
there are 2 desktop and one wireless laptop on the network.
it was working fine the other day and all of a sudden it just stopped. when i go to "my network places" it doesnt show anything not even the files im sharing from this computer (does on other). so i went to the make a home network wizard or w/e it is called and it said i didnt have the right hardware installed which it is. i think some sort of windows files are messed up or missing maybe registry keys.
any help would be appreciated.


  • edited June 2005
    More details are needed about your network.

    Are you using a router? A wireless router? If so, which brand and model? If you have a router, login to it and make sure your settings are fine. Try making sure WEP is enable and make sure your SSID can be broadcast so that your other computers can see it.

    I never used those Windows network wizards. In fact, I never use Windows wizards ever, except for installing and uninstalling programs (read: games).
  • edited June 2005
    its working now, i dont know whats wrong with it thanks anyway though
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