Yeah, this is definitely a BYOB/BYOF event. I wish I could, maybe one day, but for now I just can't afford to supply food and beverages for the event. Everyone's on their own in that regard.
After countless hours of brainstorming, and shoving many dollar bills into stripper's undergarments, we have come up with a list.
This list is the ever-important ’Things to Bring’ list. That is, things which each of you should (for your own well being) bring to the LAN:
Patch Cord: of the RJ-45 sort. Bare minimum length at no less than 25’. Any shorter, and it’s owner will be calmly taken out back and shot.
…. Oh, you’d think we’d never get away with it, but this is Detroit, people…
Powerstrip: Surge protector recommended.
Legal copies of games: Otherwise we don’t want to know about it. Further details will be coming in a later "Games" post by either me and/or Psudo.
Mayonnaise Jar: 40 people and 3 toilets… you do the math.
Control Top Pantyhose: …?
Mace: We’re letting –tk off his leash.
Extension Cord: 5-10 feet. Basically the longer the better.
Headphones: You know, for your ears. Audio devices of the loudspeaker sort would/could irritate others. It would also make gaming more difficult.
Installed & Up-to-Date Virus Scanner: 'Cause we cant have digital STDs floating around, spoiling the fun.
If you have any more ideas, post 'um.
Quoted the original TTB list for posterity's sake.
Quoted the original TTB list for posterity's sake.