how to remove NB heatsink?

astroworpastroworp Northridge, CA
edited September 2003 in Hardware
i got one of the zalman passive NB coolers, tired to install it, and couldn't figure out how to uninstall my stock NB heatsink... it's an abit kx7-333r. the heatsink has plastic pins going through the motherboard, and i can't figure out how to remove them!

i know i'm like the only person here who can't do it... so... anyone care to enlighten me?



  • SpinnerSpinner Birmingham, UK
    edited September 2003
    You'll need to take the mobo out of its case, so you can get at the back of it, get a pair of soft nose plyers, squeeze and then pop them through. Simple as that.
  • astroworpastroworp Northridge, CA
    edited September 2003
    soft nose plyers... i'll try to find some of those. thanks!
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