Will it work now?

botheredbothered Manchester UK
edited September 2003 in Community
Well did it?



  • botheredbothered Manchester UK
    edited September 2003
    It seems it did.
    Shorty, I empted the temp files and cookies like you said and came back with a new password, Still no post. I reset internet tools>advanced to default, Still no post. I rebooted cable madem and router and I'm back. Does this mean it's down to NTL?
    Thanks for the help.:thumbsup:

  • NecropolisNecropolis Hawarden, Wales Icrontian
    edited September 2003
    May I be the first to say......EH????????

    :scratch::scratch: :confused2 :confused2 :scratch::scratch:
  • botheredbothered Manchester UK
    edited September 2003
    I have been trying to post for the last two days, I have emailed Shorty and he made a few suggestions. This post was directed at him really, Sorry if it's confusing but he'll understand.

  • ShortyShorty Manchester, UK Icrontian
    edited September 2003
    Does indeed sound like NTLhell :banghead:
  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited September 2003
    This happened to me on the old Icrontic, couldnt access it for ages without using a proxy, but one day I reset my router, and suddenly it worked.

    I have a feeling it may be something to do with it caching DNS addresses, but why it would fail I dont know as I doubt Icrontic was on a dynamic IP address......

    Another thing to do is set up your machine to access your ISPs DNS servers directly to avoid any un-needed devices which may cache old addresses in the process. Just a thought, may or may not work, but you cant try it until it happens again, and I don't have the problem anymore.

  • MediaManMediaMan Powered by loose parts.
    edited September 2003
    The old IC sat on a server at RACKSHACK with a static IP and NS is right. Sometimes IP address' have to be re-cached all the way up the line to you. This can mean relying on several computers to accomplish this task.

    I remember one time when the new IC site came on line...some people saw it right away...others, like me, had to wait up to 3-4 days to see it.

    If you are experiencing a situation where the site appears to be down but others you know are seeing it....or the forums appear to be in parallel universes...where someone says they posted...can see it...but you can't.

    Then that's the IP caching problem which may not be necessarily your person computer.
  • ShortyShorty Manchester, UK Icrontian
    edited September 2003
    I have exactly the same problem now :(

    It's an NTL related problem. They have transparent cache proxies on the edge of their network. Even changing DNS, using LAN connection proxy override... nothing will fix it.

    Im on my work ADSL connection, it's the only way I can post :( My home connection just times out :(
  • EnverexEnverex Worcester, UK Icrontian
    edited September 2003
    Do what I said in another thread.

    Grab Dr TCP from my site here - http://atomnet.co.uk/?p=programs&search=tcp

    Run it, set "Auto Blackhole Discovery" to "Enabled" then restart your machine, it (hopefully) should work.

  • ShortyShorty Manchester, UK Icrontian
    edited September 2003
    NightShade737 said
    Do what I said in another thread.

    Grab Dr TCP from my site here - http://atomnet.co.uk/?p=programs&search=tcp

    Run it, set "Auto Blackhole Discovery" to "Enabled" then restart your machine, it (hopefully) should work.


    Awesome! :respect: Il give it a try later and let you know. I really hope this fixes it. It's driving me nuts :banghead:
  • botheredbothered Manchester UK
    edited September 2003
    I may grab that myself. This isn't the first time I've had this from NTHell, Very frustrating when you forget what you did last time.

  • ShortyShorty Manchester, UK Icrontian
    edited September 2003
    Sadly :( Nightshades fix didn't work for me.


    For two days I've been unable to post in a forum, fill in HTML forms and generally do anything regarding the internet from my home NTL broadband.

    I rang them on Thursday to complain it was fubard and their reaction was to say "sorry, we are having problems but you might have MSblaster!".

    Im a network administrator who has patched over 250+ PC's against MSBlaster AS WELL as helping the firm next door solve their problems. I damn well know my rigs don't have it. They refused to listen.

    So despite my insistance that Im not on AOL, they made me go through a checking procedure . Took me an hour to get through. Finally they admit they have a problem within their network and no resolution date. I say "what do you mean "no resolution time?". NTL's response : "could be a couple of weeks!!"

    Had to rip out my network, plug my main PC into the cable modem, install a software firewall, install a VPN client and remotely log into my works network to bypass NTL's edge of network transparent proxies (the main cause of their network problems).

    Now I can work. NTL just get worse. Im switching to ADSL. No idea when to fix a major problem?? They are just getting beyond a joke.
  • botheredbothered Manchester UK
    edited September 2003
    Like I said, I had to reboot everything to get it working and not for the first time. Somebody gave me this site-
    I had an NTL service person phone me because I complained on their forum, A very helpful guy. Seems you get more help and support from the service staff on the forum than you do from NTL.

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