GeForce4 Ti4200@Ti4600

edited June 2005 in Hardware
Hello guys ! I got my old Ti4200 to work at 4600 clocks, well very near memory clock to say the true ^^, but the core is working at 4600 stock clock and i found out that the core chip used on my card is the same as the 4600 one, according to this review, i also removed my heatsink and checked it out.

Anyway, i wanted my card to display GeForce4 Ti4200@Ti4600 on boot screen and on the windows driver info, but i could only do it to the boot screen by flashing my bios using an editor and my original bios.

Anyone can tell me if its possible to change the name that apears to the windows driver ??

Thanks !


  • GrayFoxGrayFox /dev/urandom Member
    edited June 2005
    xunainers wrote:
    Hello guys ! I got my old Ti4200 to work at 4600 clocks, well very near memory clock to say the true ^^, but the core is working at 4600 stock clock and i found out that the core chip used on my card is the same as the 4600 one, according to this review, i also removed my heatsink and checked it out.

    Anyway, i wanted my card to display GeForce4 Ti4200@Ti4600 on boot screen and on the windows driver info, but i could only do it to the boot screen by flashing my bios using an editor and my original bios.

    Anyone can tell me if its possible to change the name that apears to the windows driver ??

    Thanks !

    Flash the bios with the desired cards bios but since your ram cant take the overclock your out of luck.
  • edited June 2005
    But, cant i edit the bios and set the ram clock a bit lower to match my overlock ?
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