nforce 3 and MSI K8Neo2 windows xp setup problem
I have recently build a pc with the following parts:
MSI K8 Neo 2 with nforce 3 chipset
AMD 64 3000+
2 512Mb DDR400 ram
ATI Raden 9250 graphics card
2 120GB Maxtor SATA disks for mirroring
Samsung DVD-RW drive
I need to create a RAID 1 configuration with the two SATA disks. First thing I did was to enable RAID in the BIOS section. I have enabled RAID only on SATA 1 and SATA 2 where I have connect the two disks. Then I 've build the mirror using the nvidia utility (pressing F10 on startup).
Next, I have inserted the Windows XP professional CD to start the setup and pressed the F6 to install the SATA drivers from the supplied diskette. NVIDIA RAID CLASS DRIVER, required and NVIDIA NForce Storage Controller, required. I've installed both drivers in order of appearence. After pressing enterto continue setup and after about a minute (just before you get the first windows setup screen I 've got a blue screen of death stop message "Inaccesible_boot_device."
I've used Windows XP with SP2 and the latest drivers from nvidia for the nforce 3 chipset but still no good. If I disable the Raid controller I can install Windows without a problem.
I have send the motherboard to the service department (where I've bought it) and they returned it to me telling me that they have found no problems and that they have managed to install windows XP with mirroring enabled!
I don't trust these guys because I have tried exactly what they have done and using THEIR drivers and I ve got the same error again and again
I don't believe it is a hardware problem since I have tried different PC parts and got exactly the same stop message!
Somewhere in the forums I found a thread about slipstreaming windows XP and changing the txtsetup.oem file of the driver diskette. I followed these instructions even if it was for the nforce 4 chipset but all I 've got was BSOD!
I would appreciate any ideas how to install windows with mirror enabled on nforce 3 chipset. I am trying this for 3 weeks now! :shakehead : Please help
MSI K8 Neo 2 with nforce 3 chipset
AMD 64 3000+
2 512Mb DDR400 ram
ATI Raden 9250 graphics card
2 120GB Maxtor SATA disks for mirroring
Samsung DVD-RW drive
I need to create a RAID 1 configuration with the two SATA disks. First thing I did was to enable RAID in the BIOS section. I have enabled RAID only on SATA 1 and SATA 2 where I have connect the two disks. Then I 've build the mirror using the nvidia utility (pressing F10 on startup).
Next, I have inserted the Windows XP professional CD to start the setup and pressed the F6 to install the SATA drivers from the supplied diskette. NVIDIA RAID CLASS DRIVER, required and NVIDIA NForce Storage Controller, required. I've installed both drivers in order of appearence. After pressing enterto continue setup and after about a minute (just before you get the first windows setup screen I 've got a blue screen of death stop message "Inaccesible_boot_device."
I've used Windows XP with SP2 and the latest drivers from nvidia for the nforce 3 chipset but still no good. If I disable the Raid controller I can install Windows without a problem.
I have send the motherboard to the service department (where I've bought it) and they returned it to me telling me that they have found no problems and that they have managed to install windows XP with mirroring enabled!

I don't trust these guys because I have tried exactly what they have done and using THEIR drivers and I ve got the same error again and again

I don't believe it is a hardware problem since I have tried different PC parts and got exactly the same stop message!
Somewhere in the forums I found a thread about slipstreaming windows XP and changing the txtsetup.oem file of the driver diskette. I followed these instructions even if it was for the nforce 4 chipset but all I 've got was BSOD!
I would appreciate any ideas how to install windows with mirror enabled on nforce 3 chipset. I am trying this for 3 weeks now! :shakehead : Please help
Worked ok on the NVIDIA but the data read/write seemed awefully slow! Not to knock NVIDIA but I think depends who the board maker is, and they all seem to have a few kinks in them. But I love MSI & ASUS !!!
Need any more help lemme know.
Is it also possible not to reinstall Windows XP after you rebuilt the array but don't clear the disk? I suppose that data duplication will start immediately after windows starts? Or should I start a fresh installation formatting the array?
During the boot phase, enter the RAID setup and add the drives. Then install the OS using the NVIDIA RAID controller diskette.
If you need the latest drivers disk for the NVIDIA RAID to use during installation I can send them to you. Or you can contact MSI by phone. The set I am now using was not listed on either MSI or NVIDIA’s websites.
I have problems with my RAID un-mirroring, I have moved the drives from SATA 1&2 to 3&4 Upgraded to the latest BIOS V1.5 and am now using a Bata V1.95.
I have Three Samsung SP1614C drives. I purchased the spare in order to verify one of the drives was not at fault. All are good.
Can you send me the driver please in my email although I have downloaded and used the latest from nVidia and MSI. You can send the drivers to
Thanks for answering
I have already upgrade the BIOS to V1.8 and used your drivers. Again, I still get the same Blue Screen with the 000007B stop message (Inaccesible_boot_device).
One strange think also was that some times with Mirroring enabled and setup through the nvidia utility (F10 on system startup) the Windows setup continues but when you are prompted to create partition I see 2 hard drives with id 0 and id 2! Even if I create a partion on the first drive and the text setup completes copying all files the system does not reboot from the hard disk! Also, I have set the mirror array as Boot and tried both Serial Ata 1 and 2 and Serial ATA 3 and 4.
During installation, and drivers have been loaded, you should only see one drive.
Create a partition for the OS to be installed on.
I use a 15GB partition for the System OS. Rather large but this provides breathing room for the OS and future expansion.
If the above information does not help, send me a phone number and I give you a call.
Easy fix is install to a single disk and after XP is up and stable go into the NVRaid utility and setup the mirror. Takes a while to complete the mirror, but runs fine after.
I have the same board and had the issue with both RAID1 and RAID10. Both worked fine with creating the mirror after the install. Just make sure you copy the drives the right direction.
Do not forget to check the RAID adjustments in the BIOS after resetting to Fail-Safe. Check the Boot Device setting in the BIOS to make sure it is set to the RAID.
Check that the NB fan is operating normally 5100+ RPM. Check the CPU Temp. My CPU operates as low as 29°C the system temp is 30°C. I am using a Big Typhoon cooler 900~1380 RPM, and not overclocked.
I think I did that and when I used the nVRaid utility (F10 on startup) after installed XP on a single drive but my system never booted after I created the mirror. Of course I didn't clear the disks
At this point, I would first low level both drives individually before attempting to install my OS. Adjust the BIOS to recognize the SATA drives. At this time do not activate the BIOS setting for RAID.
Here is a link to Maxtor’s step-by-step SATA installation.
If you did not receive the MAX Blast disk with your drives, download the utility from Maxtor’s web site and prepare each disk up one at a time. Here is the link.
In you previous posts, you stated your suppliers support department had installed and verified your motherboard setting up a RAID. Did they use your drives? Did you check the BIOS settings after you received the motherboard back?
I recently separated the drives in my machine in order to provide better cooling. They have been stable ever since.
Another problem, if I can say its a problem, is that I can see both hard drives as USB removable devices! I can see the mirror as a single drive through the Disk Management utility. I can't remove them of course but this is completely crazy!
I can see the drives as a single drive in device manager also. It displays as "Nvidia Mirror 114.49G". I don't have any USB drives. Anyway, If I doubleclick the USB on the tray I can see both drives and there is an option to remove!!!
(MSI K8 Neo 2 with nforce 3 chipset
AMD 64 3200+
2 512Mb DDR400 ram
MSI GeForce 4 videocard
120GB Maxtor HD
80GB Western Digital HD) and a similar problem.
I am not mirroring or using SATA, but I too get the BSoD saying there is a possible virus, or the HDs or HD controllers are not installed properly. My Master Drive has Xp installed already, I virus scanned it before I installed the new MoBo/CPU. (I Had a ASUS A7N8X-E with a Socket A AMD 2600+...not my choices, they came with it from a friend who was moving) and it worked fine up until I installed the new combo. BIOS is reading my Drives properly and I double checked all the IDE cables and master/slave jumpers...4 times!! I am thinking it may be drivers for the MoBo for XP, But I can't get them to install on startup. I have a second Tower here, so should I hook up the Drive with XP and install the drivers that way, then try again or what?
Also, I forgot to mention this before, but when I click either the shut off, or restart I have to do it twice, the first time doesn't do anything, so I have to go in and click it again...just figured I would bring it up.
By the way, don't fool around with that Recovery Console repair business. What I'm referring to is booting from the XP CD and proceeding as if you were doing a clean install. At some point Windows will detect the previous installation and offer you several options. Pick the one that will repair the current installation - NOT adding a second copy, etc.
Pre-WinXP it was almost always a waste of time to try and patch up a Windows installation after a major hardware change. WinXP does a great job of it, but you need to give it a clean slate hardware-wise for it to really get things right.
And, if you were wondering, a Repair Install will leave all of your data intact (you do have backups, though - right?) and all of your existing programs should still work.
So, I coudn't get windows to boot up in safe mode, but I COULD do the repair...I didn't do the console restore like you said not to, just let windows do its thing, then ask me if I wanted to repair after it detected the OS already installed. It did its thing, then asked for the chipset drivers, I installed those and it worked! Prof, you are a godsend! It feels like it is running a little slower than it used to for some reason though. The new combo is an upgrade, so I thought it would run a little faster...I went from an AMD 2600+ to an AMD 64 3200+... added and extra 256 MB of RAM too... I am going to go in and Wipe my C Drive, throw a partitian in it and reinstall windows from scratch, since I know it works;)
Again, Thanks a million!