wont boot to windows...
My friend has was trying to install a new video card on his emachines computer the ither day and now all he can access is the bios. Whenever the computer boots up it go black after the bios boots up. When we plug the monitor into the onboard graphics the monitor gets nothing and when we plug it into the card the monitor show that it is getting a feed ( a green instead of amber light) but nothing else. Occasionally there will be white vertical lines spaced across the bottom of the screen. The leds on the fromnt also show that the cpu is constantly running. His comp is a emachines T1115, Win XP, 256 RAM, he tried to install a Nvidia MX 5000 an i missing anything? Any ideas? Any and all help would be appreciated. Thanks.
If the card is a 2x card and your board only support 4x/8x cards then you have a problem, its most likely not gonna work. but before you try to get the card working, retrace your steps to what you did to get where you are now. You need to get your onboard video working first, then you can figure out why the card isnt working. If you made any changes in the bios, undo the and set them to the way they are, pull the video card out. and try resetting the bios. The way to do this is to either pull the bios battery and wait 5 or 10 minutes or pull it and there should be a jumper near by, set the jumper for a few seconds and then put it back in the default position. Then reinsert the battery and try to restart you computer. If it works, then you are one step closer to fixing it.
When you said it goes black after the bios, do you mean the very first post where it checks Proc, Mem, Ide, etc, or right when it goes to the windows start-up. depending when it goes blank you could narrow it down to where the problem is.
Post back, and welcome to short media, hope you stick around.
Ok new news, finally rebooted a last time and it said that it was missing a critical windows system32 file... So looks like some reformating is going to have to take place..
1) See if you can boot into Safe Mode. (You get there by tapping F8 before Windows starts.)
2) If all else fails, do a repair install - that way you'll still have all your data and programs intact. If you need advice on doing that, just holler.