AMD Files Claims Against Intel in Japan

SpinnerSpinner Birmingham, UK
edited July 2005 in Science & Tech
Just three days after filing an antitrust complaint against Intel in the U.S., AMD are throwing more punches, this time in the direction of Intel K.K., Intel's Japanese subsidiary.
AMD has filed a claim for damages in the Tokyo High Court and District Court over Intel K.K.'s violations of Japan's Antimonopoly Act. In March, the Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) recommended that Intel K.K. had violated the Antimonopoloy Act and that they had hindered AMD Japan's business by providing funds to the likes of NEC, Fujitsu, Toshiba, Sony, and Hitachi to keep them from buying AMD chips.

As a result of Intel K.K.'s actions and the subsequent findings by the JFTC, AMD Japan is seeking US$50 million in damages through their suit filed with the High Court. Another suit filed with the District Court seeks to claim yet more in damages, but for alleged anticompetitive acts not referenced by the JFTC's recommendation. These include providing funds in exchange for the removal of AMD products from a PC manufacturer's catalogue, pressuring AMD customers to not attend certain AMD events and interfering with promotional events.
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